
7 Ottobre 2009

"Real Time earthquake Location" e " Tsunami early warning using earthquake rupture duration"

dr. Anthony Lomax, ALomax Scientifix - ore 10.00 - aula 2G26, Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Complesso Universitario di Monte S.Angelo, Via Cinthia Napoli.


Real-Time Earthquake Location

An overview of real-time earthquake location including: 1) A graphical introduction to phase picking, phase association and event detection.  2) Presentation of earthquake location at local, regional and teleseismic distances using  probabilistic, global-search location methods.  3) Illustrative examples of global-search earthquake location and of evolutionary, early-warning location.

Tsunami early warning using earthquake rupture duration (with Alberto Michelini)

Effective tsunami early warning for coastlines near a tsunamigenic earthquake requires notification within 5-15 minutes. We have shown recently that tsunamigenic earthquakes have an apparent rupture duration, To, greater than about 50 s. Here we show that To gives more information on tsunami importance than moment magnitude, Mw, and we introduce a procedure using seismograms recorded near an earthquake to rapidly determine if To is likely to exceed T=50 or 100 s. We show that this “duration-exceedance” procedure can be completed within 3-10 min after the earthquake occurs, depending on station density, and that it correctly identifies most recent earthquakes which produced large or devastating tsunamis. This identification forms a complement to initial estimates of the location, depth and magnitude of an earthquake to improve the reliability of tsunami early warning, and, in some cases, may make possible such warning.  Real-time results from this “duration-exceedance” procedure running at INGV Rome are available at: http://s3.rm.ingv.it/D-E.php