
Wavelength-shifting "bers for calorimetric measurements in a long base line neutrino oscillation experiment

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 457, 447-453, 2001
K.V. Alexandrov, G.C. Barbarino, P. Bernardini, M. Brigida, D. Campana, A. Candela, R. Caruso, F. Cassese, A. Ceres&, B. D' Aquino, G. De Cataldo, I. De Mitri, A. Di Credico, C. Favuzzi, P. Fusco, F. Gargano, N. Giglietto, F. Giordano, A. Grillo, F. Guarino, C. Gustavino, E. Lamanna, A. Lauro, A. Leone, F. Loparco, G. Mancarella, D. Martello, M. N. Mazziotta, S. Mikheyev, M. Mongelli, G. Osteria, V. Palladino, G. Passeggio, M. Perchiazzi, G. Pontoniere, A. Raino`, R. Rocco, E. Romanucci, U. Rubizzo, A. Sacchetti, E. Scapparone, P. Spinelli, V. Tikhomirov, A. Vaccina, E. Vanzanella, M. Weber


The NOE Collaboration has proposed a calorimeter to measure the energy of the final states of ν interaction events. The properties of long scintillator bars with wavelength-shifting fiber readout have been studied to develop a calorimeter design option. Various prototypes have been exposed to a cosmic rays stand. The total measured light yield in the middle of a 6m-long fiber is about 15 photoelectrons. With this photon collection performance, it has been simulated that the calorimeter can achieve 17%/√E and 50%/√E resolutions for electrons and pions, respectively.

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