
The high school n. Copernico (naples) in the eduseis project

European Seismological Commission XXVIII General Assembly, Genoa, Italy, 2002
L. Cantore, C. Paolantonio, F. Di Martino, A. Petrillo, M. Simini


The fundamental aim of the  EduSeis Project is the development and the implementation of the current practice of scientific data acquisition and management in the Earth's science for high school students. This is possible thanks to the recent networking evolutions that are available in the classroom, data and tools which were previously only used in research laboratories. The school becomes a "gym" to experiment the efficacy of scientific communication in increasing the awareness and responsibility of the citizens. The active participation of schools aims at developing a new method for scientific formation and vulgarisation through the use of new approaches for scientific teaching and learning and the use of advanced techonology for scientific pratice in schools. The new didactic method proposed by the EduSeis project, offers to the students the chance to follow educational activities, having at their disposition instruments, technology, tutors and technical personnel. The objective of the project is the ation of educational activities with the conventional school curricula. Groups of students of high school Liceo Scientifico N. Copernico of Naples, are actively participating in the data analysis and interpretation using seismograms registered at their own seismic station, in the web oriented activities, in the maintenance of their own seismic station, in the didactic material production and in the promotion of interactive events on seismic risk. Groups of teachers are partecipating at stages at university labs during which they learn to management the seismic station, analyse and interpret seismic data. With help of teachers didactic modules have been prepared on the seismological practice and seismic risk information. Modules and didactic activities are used and tested in schools by students and teachers with the aim of adaptating and inclusing them in the school curricula. The school web site has been implemented for web communication (http://digilander.iol.it/copernico2000/). Students, teachers and museu itors can acces to educational activities by the EduSeis web site (http://eduseis.na.infn.it). Session: SWS-1 School Yard Seismology-Educational Approach to Seismology Poster presentation.